Daar is ie
Waar ben ik nu?


After my journey and seeking some place in Europe, I finally bought a house back in The Netherlands, just 12 Km's. from my home-town!

my new placeThis place gives me a feeling of freedom, completely isolated from villages and people this house is situated between forests and farmland.

Time to start working again in making art and meditations. 
A lot of work is required before it's suitable for living! But who cares!!! :-)

some pictures of this dated place!

his holiness


hot water just what I want...

The house is build in 1960 and nothing changed ever since..... I think.
Heater from 1971 I changed in a new one!

shed 1And some comfortable housing for people to stay! You're invited! haha...

Now a buzzard lives in it. You cab see the nest and some rabbit-legs and tales.

shed 2

And also other animals and fruit-trees!

front of the house



hornet on pear and peaches

plum trees

shed 3

And this nice cottage build after world war 2 for sheltering people who didn't have a place to stay.

This will be a silence-room to practice meditation,Yoga, Tai Chi/Chi Gong and so on!

Also  I'm planning to change this place in a kind of monastery! haha. And a place for the inner-and outer- creativity!!!!

2 gatesSo for being a big landowner now, the area is protected by gates at all accesses!

And by cleaning the white sheets I was to late using them before these two....

making love

Now (23.09.'13) working in my kitchen!

first to paint

So first to paint it more my style!!!


side building

A shed near the house has changed!!

Paintings you can see on Art-Chitecture/paintings. All cranes these days.

wakayama sunset